
Over the course of the last century, a lot has been written about the Komagata Maru. This includes writings about the ship while it was moored in Burrard Inlet, government reports, town hall meetings, newspaper articles, scholarly texts, artistic interpretations and much more. We have organized these sources into 6 different types of document categories to give a further level of detail and refinement to the sources of the Komagata Maru story. You can click on each category to see all the दस्तावेज़ in that section. For each item you can click on the thumbnail to see a larger version. For certain दस्तावेज़ hover over particular parts of it to see its connection to other दस्तावेज़ and events. At the bottom of the larger version is a link to "View Details". Here you can find a higher resolution version of the item, see detailed bibliographic information and (if applicable) view the multiple pages of दस्तावेज़ associated with the item.

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