Documents and Reports

The journey and arrival of the Komagata Maru garnered attention at the local and international level. Collected here are documents that set the context for the government’s view of Indian immigration to Canada including such items as communications between the Great Powers prior to World War One, private correspondences, transcripts from community meetings, court transcripts, and interviews. This rich collection of primary sources are organized according to topic and theme. A great deal of credit for this resource goes to H.H. Stevens, a Member of Parliament from 1911 to 1940 who donated many of his private notes and correspondences to the City of Vancouver. You can click on each item thumbnail below to see a larger version. For certain documents, hover over particular parts of it to see its connection to other documents and events. At the bottom of the larger version is a link to “View Details”. Here you can find a higher resolution version of the item, see detailed bibliographic information and (if applicable) view the multiple pages of documents associated with the item.

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