Plays, Poetry and Visual Arts
Along with a strong selection of historical documents are the stories behind the documents which shed light on the process of collection. For instance, Arjan Singh Chand picked up a selection of newspapers that his neighbour was throwing out. These ranged from the early 1900s to the 1930’s and whenever a South Asian was mentioned, he cut out the article and pasted it into a binder. It was our surprise to find three large portfolios filled with these newspaper clippings and one specifically marked “Komagata Maru”. This collection is added to a strong City of Vancouver archival resource that features articles from such papers as the Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Daily News. We also have rare literature from the Ghadar Party and its revolutionary movement which can be found through navigating the thematic headings of this section. You can click on each item thumbnail below to see a larger version. For certain documents, hover over particular parts of it to see its connection to other documents and events. At the bottom of the larger version is a link to “View Details”. Here you can find a higher resolution version of the item, see detailed bibliographic information and (if applicable) view the multiple pages of documents associated with the item.
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