Sub-Series 1.1 : 75th anniversary ➔ Plaque at Portal Park


May 22 1990 at 17:00;Date(s) of creation
1 photograph : col.
still image
A colour image taken at the plaque unveiling event at Portal Park, Vancouver, commemorating the Komagata Maru 75th anniversary. The plaque is visible, placed in the ground among the greenery. The plaque reads, "Komagata Maru 75th Anniversary - On May 23 1914, 376 British subjects (12 Hindus, 24 Muslims and 340 Sikhs) of Indian origin arrived in Vancouver Harbour aboard the Komagata Maru, seeking to enter Canada. 352 of the passengers were denied entry and forced to depart on July 23, 1914. This plaque commemorates the 75th anniversary of that unfortunate incident of racial discrimination and reminds Canadians of our commitment to an open society in which mutual respect and understanding are honoured, differences are respected, and traditions are cherished."
British Columbia;New Westminster Land District;Metro Vancouver Regional District;Vancouver
Rights Statement
In copyright
Subject Headings - SACDA
Komagata Maru tragedy
Subject Headings - Library of Congress
Commemorations []