Doman Family Album 2 ➔ [The Noble Vancouver Island Hemlock accolade presented to Herb Doman and four others]
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1 p. of textual records
textual record
An unidentified accolade that was presented to five people, including Herb Doman and MLA Tom Waterland. The accolade consists of a framed certificate including the text "The Noble Vancouver Island Hemlock" in a large, cursive font, along with a longer passage in much smaller text. This passage, though partly illegible, appears to be a historical account in the form of a poem concerning the beginning of the timber industry on Vancouver Island under George Vancouver in the year 1792.
Captain George Vancouver was a British Royal Navy officer and explorer. Many landmarks in British Columbia, Yukon and Washington are named after him. He was born on June 22, 1757 and died on May 10, 1798.
Cursive text reads "The Noble Vancouver Island Hemlock".
Poem reads:
"The year was seventeen ninety and two
and surrounded by a sea of blue
an island [illegible]
George Vancouver was his name
For his Majesty this was sought
new lands and riches [to be brought?]
and so the island [illegible]
in its beauty [illegible] with wood
tall and strong the soldiers high
with branches reaching to the sky
the forest deep, the forest green
[illegible] with mountains, lakes and streams
Vancouver stood in silent awe
at the massive wonders that he saw
and so he [illegible] awhile,
beneath the Hemlock of Vancouver Isle
With axes raised and orders calling
the first large Hemlocks began falling
and there upon that newfound ground
slowly grew an island town
the island offered up its treasure
for man's [illegible] and his pleasure
a port was built for ships to dock
to carry off the great Hemlock
and from the gift of this noble tree
rose the lumber industry
for homes and buildings through the land
of Hemlock felled by man's swift hand
the finest of the Hemlock wood
still grows where George Vancouver stood
Vancouver Island Hemlock still remains
its beauty [illegible]".
Rights Statement
In copyright
Subject Headings - Library of Congress
Trees [];Conifers [];Awards [];Lumber trade []