Doman Family Album 2 ➔ [A citation from an unidentified prospectus thanking Herb Doman for his contributions to the success of the Western Pulp Limited Partnership]


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1983;Date(s) of creation
1 p. of textual records
textual record
A citation from an unidentified prospectus issued by Pemberton Houghton Willoughby Inc. The citation thanks Herb Doman for his offering of 110,000 "Class A Limited partnership Units" valued at one-hundred and ten million dollars, which contributed to the success of the Western Pulp Limited Partnership. The citation also lists all of the involved parties in said partnership. British Columbia Forest Products Limited was a forestry company that operated from 1946 to 1986 in B.C. It was purchased in 1987 by Fletcher Challenge Limited of New Zealand and merged with the B.C. company Crown Forest Industries. Interfor is an international forest products company originally founded in Whonnock, B.C. as Yorkston Lumber Company. It operated under the name Whonnock Industries between 1967 and 1988. Western Forest Products is a Canadian lumber company based in Vancouver, B.C. Doman Industries was acquired by Western Forest Products in 2004. Pemberton Houston Willoughby Inc. was an investment corporation. It was acquired by RBC Dominion Securities in 1989.
Rights Statement
In copyright
Subject Headings - SACDA
South Asian Canadian men-owned business enterprises
Subject Headings - Library of Congress
Corporate meetings [];Banks and banking [];Business [];Stocks [];Lumber trade []